Being a host for Airbnb is so much more than merely having a place for individuals to roll out a sleeping bag. Your listing needs to be crafted to meet the needs and desires of a wide variety of clientele. Pleasing your customer should be your number one priority as a host, and in this day with the shared economy, many individuals who use Airbnb are beginning to care more and more about the impact their travel has on the environment. Taking this into consideration as well as considering how you can help do your part for the environment is a great way to help start you on the process of making your listing a green listing.
Recycling and Reusable Bags
So what are some of the things that you can do to make your Airbnb more eco-friendly? One of the first things of course is to have recycling. You can provide your guests with reusable shopping bags to help them not have to use disposable bags. Having recycling bins at your Airbnb location as well has a variety of pluses – not only will it lower your trash bill from your guests, but it will also allow your guests to be able to help saving the environment in some small ways by sorting out any glass, cans, or papers which they have used during their stay there. And over the course of several clients, that can end up to be quite significant savings you could realize!
Kitchen Waste Management
As many Airbnbs have kitchens, and one of the big selling points of an Airbnb is the ability to prepare your own meals, many individuals will end up with cardboard, glass, and metal left over after their stay with you. Having a recycling bin is a fantastic way to be able to cut down on the trash as well as to help recycling, which is good for the environment. Plus, some cities have mandatory recycling or composting requirements, so make it easy for your guests!
Energy-Efficient Lighting
If you make an up-front investment in LED lighting, you could get some of that investment money back thanks to the long-life of the bulbs and the energy-savings they provide. In darker places where the lights will be on a lot, those savings can add up pretty quickly.

Public Transit Information
Another fantastic way to help make your listing a green listing is to have a section on bus times, fares, and bus stops near to your home in your home guide book (which you should write for your customers). Helping your customer identify a bus stop or public transit nearby is a great way to help lower the carbon footprint and reduce the need for calling a cab. Many individuals will rent a vehicle or call a cab simply because they do not know how convenient the bus stop is relative to your home.
Providing Bicycles
Here’s another tip to reduce the carbon footprint for your guests – have a couple of complimentary bikes that your guests can use while they are staying there. Bikes need not be very expensive, and if you happen to live in a beautiful area famous for its bike riding or ease of access to locations, then having a bike for your guests to utilize, along with a bike lock for them as well, can be a fun way of building good relationships with your clients and also allowing your clients to have a little bit of fun on the house.If you follow these tips, you will easily have a green dwelling that your clients will love coming back to time and time again. For more great ideas on how to be an Airbnb success, check out our other posts on KozyGuru blog. We are a leading Airbnb Management Company in Sydney.