With Airbnb, your clients are your highest priority. Being able to meet and solve any of their needs and problems is essential for you as a host. Unfortunately, not every client will like you or your listing. However, you should always strive for 100% satisfaction. If you fall short, aim for 99%. What are some of the top complaints, and what can you do about them?
Simplifying the Key Exchange
The key exchange is always one of the most difficult parts but it need not be. Key changes can become difficult when a guest or a host is late to the meeting, a plane is delayed, or a taxi cab doesn’t show up. Any number of things can go wrong and lead to there being problems with the key drop. However, there are two simple options: install a digital lock with a combination code which you can simply email to your guests so they can get in at any time; or utilise a company like us, an Airbnb Management Company. So individuals can go and pick up the key at all hours of the day or night. You can also leave a key with a reliable neighbour just in case.
Ensuring Cleanliness
There is simply no excuse for this one. It doesn’t matter how hard you clean, if the guest thinks your home is dirty, your home is dirty. Clean your home thoroughly and regularly. If you are unable to do so, hire a cleaning company to come in after every guest and simply tack on the additional cost into your room listing price.
Providing Accurate Listings
Again, there is no excuse for this. If your guests feel they have been misled, they will be upset at you. Label things exactly as they are and try to use very precise language. Include lots of pictures if something needs better description than you are able to give, or even if you can describe it well. This will help your guests have a good visual idea of what you were talking about and so they will not feel tricked when they arrive at your listing.
Handling Noisy Neighbours
Unfortunately, you may or may not be able to solve this particular problem. All of us have had to deal with the occasional noisy neighbour, but as long as your neighbour is only noisy on rare occasions, you can probably just not bother. If your neighbour is reliably noisy, though, having a discussion with your neighbour in a civilised manner can be beneficial. If your neighbour refuses to be civilised about it, lodging a noise complaint with your local zoning code enforcers can be another way to help your guests enjoy their time. Your guests are paying you; your neighbour is not, and your guests are your highest priority.

Being a Good Host
Simply put, a bad host is a bad thing. Always do your best to meet your clients’ needs, go above and beyond, and let them know that you are available to them. Being a good host is part a matter of personality and part a matter of practice and etiquette. Practice kindness and work through problems with your client, and you will be a host they love to return to.
For more great tips and ideas on how to be the perfect Airbnb host, visit our webpage. We specialise in Short Term Rental Management.