The year 2020 has undoubtedly been one of the most distressing years globally in the last decade. In order to avoid the rise in COVID cases each day, many countries started imposing complete and smart lockdowns. Coronavirus pandemic has hardly hit many sectors economically as the business operations came to a complete halt, and the tourism sector is no exception.
Along with internal lockdowns, many countries closed their borders and denied visa applications for tourists. A decrease in the tourism industry has left businesses like Airbnb property management companies to wonder what the future holds for them. Their revenue declined by 72%, which left them more vulnerable than ever before. Property owners have been claiming to earn minimal revenues from a vacation rental. Therefore many have stopped prioritising (for the time being) it as the main source of their income.
Hope is Still Alive with COVID-19 Vaccine
Many countries are continually working on the COVID 19 vaccine, and it is believed to solve most of the problems. As the most difficult year passed with the good news that the vaccine for the virus will be available soon, this sector can rejoice again as financial hiccups are about to be over.
If the vaccine is officially and successfully introduced in the market, tourism is more likely to flourish once again. The government would lift their barriers to entry, and people can start flying in and out frequently.
Re-establishing the Tourism Market to its Former Glory
Currently, masses also avoid travelling to foreign countries due to the chances of being exposed to the virus. However, if the virus is gone, people would definitely want to take a break from all these months of social isolation and start living again. This also means that people would be less worried about health safety while getting in touch with Airbnb hosts.
With vaccines introduced, life is expected to get towards its normal course, which would also resume all the tourist activities that attract visitors to a host country. Travellers will once again have the privilege of roaming around freely and enjoying relaxing at their ideal destination place.
Read More: How People are Redefining Airbnb Travel in 2021
With no bans on public gatherings, people will once again have the opportunity to meet up with their friends and plan short inter-city trips. Local tourism will also start progressing as at this point. Lastly, considering that wealth and power distribution is unfair, what makes you think that the rich or influential individual would not want to get their hands on the vaccine. People in a position to afford would travel anywhere in the world to grab this hottest commodity.
Final Thoughts…
After all, it must be clear to you how the vaccine is a ray of hope to save the tourism industry. With the vaccine introduced, people will have greater peace of mind and travel to indulge in different tourist activities, with the same passion as they had before.