People stay in Airbnbs for a variety of reasons. Much of the time it is because of the convenience of being able to stay in a home that is closer to their preferred destination than a hotel would be. Sometimes it’s about saving on transit costs, or staying in a beautiful area where there is a hotel they could simply not afford. Then there is the comfort of staying in a real home or apartment, or simply a desire to see what the Airbnb craze is all about. No matter what the reason is your prospective clients are choosing to stay in an Airbnb, the one thing they do not have to worry about is a lack of choices.
There are hundreds or even thousands of potential Airbnb hosts in a given area. With so many options available to prospective clients, the thing you need to worry about the most is making your place stand apart. You want your Airbnb to be something that is eye-catching yet comfortable, something that wants to make people engage with you and rent your property, as well as relax and enjoy their time. So what can you do to personalize your Airbnb to maximize your rent-ability?
The first thing you need to make sure you do not do is to simply get a whole bunch of cheap and unmatching furniture, slap it in a room with a two-bit bed and expect that people are going to want to stay, much less come back. Most people prefer order and cohesion. Having your room be incredibly eclectic with metal fold out chairs, a bed that squeaks when you sit in it, and items that look like they were bought at a bad estate sale is not likely to encourage an individual to stay at your Airbnb. If a place feels cheap and unkempt, then it will be immediately noticeable to your prospective renters.
So one of the best tips you can do for ensuring the enjoyment of your guests is to simply pick a theme and not be afraid to spend some money to make your property and location look beautiful. This can be things like buying matching sets of dishes, matching sets of silverware, making sure that they have all the cutlery they need to do some low-level cooking, making sure you have fresh linens and sheets available, adding throw rugs and ensuring that everything has a tidy and matching feeling.

Another great thing that you can do is to include plants. Studies over the world have shown that people are more relaxed when they are surrounded by nature. Including some easy to maintain plants in various rooms, or adding little pictures or knick knacks can make a place feel more like home and less like a hotel room. Do not be afraid to include these little touches as they can be the difference between somebody using your room and forgetting about you and somebody who remembered about a place that made them feel truly at home. Make sure your Airbnb gives off the homey feel and individuals will not just return themselves but they will encourage their friends to stay with you as well.
Learn more great tips on being a great Airbnb host by reading more on our website.We are KozyGuru, Airbnb rental service company in Sydney.