The New South Wales Government has announced a 60-day moratorium from 2021/7/14 — 9/11 on evictions to support the state as it battles through extended COVID-19 lockdowns, and also offering landlords who grant relief or deferral a cash subsidy of up to $1500, or a certain amount of land tax relief from the Government.
Recently the ‘NSW Landlord Subsidy Application Form’ has been launched. The following is a short guide to application, compiled by KozyGuru:
A landlord is eligible for this payment where:
- there is a residential tenancy agreement with a tenant – as proof, you will need a rental bond number or a written tenancy agreement;
- the tenant is an eligible COVID-19 impacted tenant; and
- the landlord has entered a written agreement with the tenant to reduce or waive rent payable from 14 July 2021. A copy of this agreement will be required with a claim for Payment.
Instructions for completion of this application
The application must be submitted by the:
- landlord; or
- licensed agent engaged to manage the property the subject of this application.
You will need:
- details of the rental agreement
- the rental bond number for the rented premises; and
- a copy of the rent variation agreement with the tenant/s.
A template to assist prepare the agreement is available from Fair Trading’s website.
If you don’t have either
you can still apply and will need to upload other proof to show a tenancy agreement exists:
- a copy of the written agreement to reduce or waive rent from 14 July 2021
- consent from the tenant to share their personal details with Fair Trading
- a nominated account for payment. For managing agents this should be the agency’s rental trust account.
Payments made to managing agents are treated as any other rent payment and will be subject to the usual fees applied under the managing agency agreement.
In most instances, the payment will be received in a short period of time where the details of the tenancy agreement can be verified against rental bond data. Other circumstances will take longer.
Amount you can claim
A landlord can claim either this Payment or the COVID-19 land tax benefit (which is an offset of the land tax liability equal to the rent reduction granted), but not both.
The Residential Tenancy Support Payment provides up to $1500 per tenancy agreement. This payment will be available for landlords who agree to reduce the rent for COVID-19 impacted tenants from 14 July 2021.
The amount for each landlord will be capped at the rent reduction that is passed onto the tenants, or $1500, whichever is the lower.
Landlords can make separate claims for each premise they own.Landlords cannot ask tenants to repay the reduced amount of rent that has been paid to them under the Residential Tenancy Support Payment or land tax benefit.
Residential Tenancy Support Package Eligibility
This application is made under the Residential Tenancy Support Package – providing financial assistance for landlords where:
- there is a residential tenancy agreement with a tenant;
- that tenant is impacted by COVID-19 and the household income has reduced by 25% or more compared to the four weeks prior to 26 June 2021 (COVID impacted tenant); and
- the landlord has entered an agreement with the tenant/s to reduce or waive rent from 14 July 2021.
A landlord can agree to vary the rent for a period that goes beyond 11 September 2021. Rent reductions beyond 11 September 2021 may be claimed as part of the payment.

Applying online now
As a landlord, you can either submit the application yourself or seek the assistance of a managing agent. The relevant rent reduction documents can be signed by the managing agent directly with the tenant for you.
Note: Only rent waived from 14 July 2021 is eligible to be claimed as a payment.
COVID-19 impacted tenants must pay 25% of the usual rent to remain eligible for the eviction protections, unless you and the tenant agree to a lesser rent payment.
We recommend the landlord in need arrange with the tenant to collect supporting documents first, then determine the actual amount of rent reduction, before applying for the grant.
Source: Service NSW