Oftentimes when we think of Airbnb luxury, we think of some millionaire who wants to add to his vast fortune by leasing his 20 million dollar mansion to other wealthy and famous individuals. However, you do not need to have an 80,000 square foot mansion with an indoor massage parlour and movie theatre to still dabble in luxury level Airbnb. The truth is that luxury is far more about presentation than it is about reality.
Presentation Over Reality
A huge house that is dilapidated or has no appropriate furniture is lacking in basic necessities. A house that is poorly cleaned is not what anybody would consider luxurious no matter how many movie theatres are in the home. So what are some tips and tricks for making your home feel luxurious for your Airbnb guests?

Add Little Niceties
In addition to all the other normal things that people expect such as having toiletries, towels, kitchenware, and things of that nature, you can make your Airbnb property a true luxury property by offering little niceties. Things like providing a cleaning service for your guests or laundry services. Offering laundry services is a fantastic way to give your guests that little something extra. Imagine stopping off at a very comfortable place on a business trip, and all you have to do is hang your suit up near the front door. It gets whisked away, and when you return from a day of negotiations, it has returned to your hanger, all fresh to take on the next day.
Provide Transportation Assistance
In addition to laundry services, getting the jump on their plans and having a cab or Uber ready for your guests is another fantastic way of being on the ball. Luxury is about the feeling of being pampered and the more you pamper your guests the more luxurious your space will feel, even if it is a simple home. Little things like mints on the pillow, transit passes, or perhaps you even got exclusive tickets to a major local attraction can help your guests feel valued.
Offer Food and Drink
Few things can add more to the weariness of your guests than coming home after a long day of travel or day out and finding they have no food to eat. However, having some high-quality, ready to make meals available to your guests can be a great way of helping them feel like they are in the lap of luxury even if they are simply staying in a studio apartment. Having food or drinks available as a complimentary service to your guests is a fun way of helping them have the true bed and breakfast feel. And don’t worry, although we say complimentary, what we really mean is you can sneak it into the price of the listing as your luxurious listing grows in prestige and becomes the go-to place for people in your area.
Cleanliness and Lighting
Keep it clean! It may go without saying but the fact is people are most likely to enjoy and have a great impression of your property, luxurious or not, if the property is kept startlingly clean. And it’s not just about cleaning either but presentation. Having the proper lighting can turn a perfectly clean but dingy room into a mirror of Michelangelo’s workshop for light and beauty. Having proper lighting will not just have a positive psychological effect on your guests but it will also help give your room or house a feeling of spacious airiness. If you follow these simple tips, your guests will always feel like they are sitting in the lap of luxury and will come back to your listing again and again. For more ideas on ways to make your Airbnb rental memorable, check out our other listings on kozyguru.com. We are KozyGuru, a Sydney based short term rental management company.